Wednesday, September 17, 2008

American plight

So there is a growing problem in America and the way I see it the reforms the Bush Administration is trying to push as the countdown to his final days in office are more likely than not too little too late. So we have seen the economy fall on it's butt, more and more people are not only loosing their jobs but their homes as well. Children are denied a future because the cost of tuition of college and universities are higher than ever. And add to that the underclass citizens who are finding paying rent/mortgages vs. medication and food is a big priority. So what do you pay for when you only have the money for one thing? Do you pay for medicine at the cost of going hungry or being homeless? Do you pay to keep your home and watch your health plummet like a spieces on the brink of extinction? What about the educational future of your children when you cant even afford to live with basic necessities, never mind the bare necessities. How do you survive in an age where war is forcing the hands of many?
Many people are loosing jobs due to outsourcing, jobs go to the Chinese because it is cheap labor. On average being payed pennies on the dollar. Working longer hours than most Americans are willing to work, and at the cost of one days wages to an American worker to feed a family for an entire month. In a sweatshop with unethical practices. Even Children lie about their ages just so some 15 year old drop out can feed his or her family after the main bread winner died, claiming they are 20 years old. Maybe a young girl who after many failed attempts by her parents to have a boy, left home so they could legally have another child, becomes a prostitute and never goes home to her family our of fear that she would be found out about her choice in jobs. After all prostitution is in every corner of the globe and is a lucrative business. Some girls are even sold by their parents for a measley amount of money to keep going. Then claiming their child died and producing fake death certificates so they can go on to have a boy.
Many products are sold in America at a cost to both the producer and the consumer. Tainted products. Makes you wonder what is truely safe anymore?
Before we went to outsourcing we never had this problem, now it seems every product we use is tainted. We need to stop importing and start producing. We ship out enough oil to other coutries that we ourselves could use, then we need to have oil shipped in from other countries. Would it not make more sense to use what we have before we ask for more from other countries? Might save some tax dollars. All this push for more off shore drilling....Why? We had enough till we started sending it overseas. And the same goes for food. We send food overseas and then complain about all the poor people asking for more food. We bail out financial institutions instead of the backbone borrowers who loose their homes as we bale out the financial institutes that took said homes away, leaving many homeless. And medicine. Is your medicine safe? was it made in America or in another coutry tainted with a chemical that kills you? But the growing demand on Chinese Civilization is causing a multitude of problems for the people. The most pressing is that they are loosing their chinese history. They tear down old historical relics and flood areas of land that could be used to preserve endangered spieces. And they adopt more western ways. English and manerisms. And because American companies don't want to pollute America for fear of being caught polluting the air and water and soil, they build factories in China to further pollute what is already polluted because there are no laws governing pollution.
Is this the future of our children? I hope not. We need to save America first before we save the world. But from what I see America is taking advantage of other countries and we are quickly becoming hated by the international community.