Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love is a lie

Well after thinking heavily on Valentines Day and the past years events on Love and the whole Proposition 8 thing I came to this conclusion…….again…..That we all need to love and let love.
I mean, what would the point of Valentines Day be if it were not so?
Did you notice (and also from reports I have read) that the whole prop 8 thing was pushed by Mormons? Yes my dears Mormons have a long history of Polygamy, or being married to more than one wife. Unfortunately the women are only allowed one husband. How sexist is that?
So after reading the bible to gain some spiritual advice on my own failed marriage and trying to find out why my husband behaves like a Mormon and broke his wedding vows to me and making my heart break into tiny little shards of cold deathly hate for the Holiday of love.
I learned that GOD hates Adultery (When a married man or woman sleeps with another man or woman who they are not married to) I started to think….
Why is everyone against same sex marriage when heterosexual couples can not even remember who they are married to in the first place?
What was the point for you to get married if you can not stay true to that one person? Doesn’t it kind of cheapen the “I love you” words you are supposed to mean with all your heart?
If you cheat either behind your spouses back or with their blessing it is still adultery.
And therefore in my opinion are wasting a marriage on Polygamy instead of Monogamy.
Spreading diseases that you can not detect or know of until you had slept with two or three people, wondering which one gave you herpes or syphilis when you could have had it since you were a teenager and never knew of it.
Now think of the guilt of spreading these diseases without knowing it, but simultaneously blaming your partner.
How do you define love?
Come on guys….someone…If anyone has read this then please give me your thoughts.
Are you faithful or do you cheat? Does He/she know, or is it a secret?
Do you know if your Love cheats on you and if so how do you feel about it?

And as a bonus…..Let’s talk about Celebrities who are natural Polygamists.
Like c.o.u.g.h c.o.u.g.h. Paris Hilton c.o.u.g.h c.o.u.g.h and others.

So instead of going after Same sex couples, Heterosexual couples need to get their adulterous lives cleaned up and learn what being committed and faithful means and practice love because love is safe sex. Because you can not go after a same sex couple thinking they are doing something wrong according to the bible when you have committed adultery.
Heresy is like a lie and it shows cowardice by pointing the blame to take away the shame.

Did you know that for every gay/ lesbian person coming out of the closet, there are 10 heterosexuals who commit adultery every day? I’d rather be lesbian, but I will settle for Bi, I get the best of both sexes during sex. <3

And [please give some feedback here it is like a graveyard]