I am sorry, I am backing Obama, but I am not a hater to anyone who votes for McCain. I just think he is too much like Bush, and Bush is taking away peoples homes and jobs and then slapping them in the face by giving money to the banks that took away those homes making kids loose their education and homes and health care. If McCain wants my support he has to change all the laws that Bush made to help his rich butt.
Today I went to the US Embassy to renew my sons passport, and I got an emergency voters ballot, I wrote my vote for Obama. My husband joked that Obama would be killed and McCain would die in office because he has back problems and moves like a robot. I know he was joking, but it made me angry.
I think Your choice on who you vote is like your choice in religion and work and to have kids or not. You should never be hated for it. Because it divides us as a country, breeds hate and contempt. I would not want someone to hate me for who I voted for, or where I worked, or who I prayed to. I may have Christian roots, a Christian mother and boss, but I can't see myself in a religion that is two faced at times. You have all the preaching on peace and not discriminating others or judging them, but I see many Christians who discriminate and judge others. It is like the Islamic extremists, They see their religion is the only way and kill anyone who is not the same. We have so many so called freedoms in America, But we live those freedoms in fear of being judged and persecuted. You really have no freedoms if you think about it. Freedom of speech can be silenced by the government, freedom of religion is like being a same sex couple (don't ask, don't tell) We all live behind closed locked doors. And we put on a fake smile and lie to everyone around us. And when we come into the wrong group, we do a nervous grin and bear it. Democracy is not what we think it is.
We have separation of church and state, but the church is controlling us, we just don't see it. Do we need someone who is so religious that they want to continue to fight a war against those who want to kill us for having different beliefs? With McCain and Pallin we are fighting a holy war against others with different beliefs than us. They tell us to not judge others because that is God's job to do, not ours. Yet we hate those who are homosexual.
When it comes time for taxes middle class families pay the most of their salaries. And then the poor families are milked dry. But the rich, They only pay 1% of their income for taxes. When someone with millions of dollars, like a celebrity, says they care about humanitarian needs, but only gives up $13,000 a month for it, but the same celebrity keeps $22 million in the bank, what a lying piece of crap.
That is not humanitarian, Not if God told us to give to the poor everything we can. Look even Jesus and his disciples lived off the giving care of others, even from those who could not afford it.
So to these rich snobs only giving the bread crust to the poor while they eat a feast themselves only shows them as being selfish and greedy. And that is what Bush and McCain are. If you vote for McCain, I guarantee we will see a great depression period and everything will stand still. We will be totally vulnerable to a terrorist attack at that time, because there will be no money to support another fight.
And if you ever have found yourself in a relationship that was harmful wishing you could find the right one, some one who would love you, then why would you stop a gay or lesbian from having what you would like? A partner that they can be married to. A partner who they can walk down the street with, holding hands. A Partner who can ask for help when the other dies and is about to be evicted from their lover's home and is not allowed to keep it, because gays and lesbians are not allowed nor entitled to the same benefits that a straight couple have.
When a straight couple are married they get equal treatment, when one dies the other gets everything according to the will. But not same sex couples, they loose everything when their partner dies.
Bush gave companies major tax breaks for cutting jobs and sending them to China, just so you could be fooled with lead contaminated toys and melamine laced toothpaste and medicines. Things you own kids will die from, but did Bush care? No! he didn't. He only cared about the money those companies gave him when he ran for office, so he rewarded them. Did the workers get anything from those tax breaks? No! they didn't. They got the pink slip and had been forced to scrounge for scraps until they could pay one months bills only to turn around and do it again the following month. Eventually loosing their homes to the banks. Those tax breaks went to the owners of the companies and they made millions of dollars in profits, then sent that money overseas so they would not have to account for the money and pay taxes on it.
Bush owns many oil companies in America. They said that we have no oil in the reserves and pushed the cost of oil through the roof, leaving many to sell their cars because they could not afford it anymore. But yet at the same time they were making billions of dollars in profits. Did you know that we sell more oil to other countries, than we buy? We make more money selling oil overseas, than we do selling it right here in our own back yards. That is why gas prices are so high, the government doesn't want to sell it to you, they want to sell it to countries in South America and Europe and S.E. Asia. So the cost of food is going up, the cost of rent and mortgages are going up, the cost of gas and oil, and even those perks we used to have, like the hair salon, shopping for luxuries at the mall have been cut out of our lives.
And what happens on February, 19TH. 2009? Analogue TV gets shut down. Will you be able to afford cable TV? What will you do when you are forced to choose between food or the cable bill? It is all about "keeping up with the Joneses." Will you be the Jones? or will you be like everyone else? It is a conspiracy, My Own government wanted me to choose between protecting my own kids or protecting myself and leaving my kids behind. The Government will make you choose as well. But as a conscious woman who cares about her kids, I could never leave my kids. I could never choose. And the conspiracy is......
The government is trying to breed out poverty, just like China is. Today I was going to GuangZhou and I saw the police take a street stall food stand from an elderly lady and dump everything in the back of the truck and arrest the woman. Why? Because she needed money to pay the hospital to help her sick husband. She had no job. And one day America will be the same. So you go to the Anti Christ and you get his mark on you, and you will see your life getting better. If you refuse the mark, you will loose your home, your kids and your job and end up homeless. These are the signs of the end times.
Bickering over who to vote for, is very sad. When we should be uniting and rising up and showing we will not take this rich man VS. the poor man life from the government anymore. We all should have equal rights. We all should have the things needed to live life and a little left over to get the things we would like. We all deserve love and companionship. And wither or not you are gay or straight should not be discriminated against.
After all our government already decides who lives and who dies. The poor are killed in war, the terminally ill are forced into an agonizing death because euthanasia is frowned on. Innocent babies are aborted, but did anyone asked them if they wanted to live? NOPE! Why? because some 13 year old girl had sex so she could feel like an adult, because her mother and father are never home because they work too much to show her what a family is all about. And she is left with the government showing her what she needs to do.
Just because you teach kids about sex does not mean they have the mental maturity to know they should not do it. And what about mental illness, suicide? So you feel like it's the only way out, but when you try to do it and fail, the government comes knocking on your door to lock you up because you tried to kill yourself so you could escape from the daily struggles to live normally. A normal life you are denied from having because we are not really a Democracy, we are something worse. Your rights are being taken away and you don't see it.
You are sheep, and you are surrounded by wolves in sheep's clothing. Open your eyes and you will see it too. But the struggle of living in these hard times makes you only see what is before you, like tunnel vision.
Vote for who you want, vote peacefully, and stop hate from growing.
Be apart of fixing the problem, rather than expecting the government to do it. Because you can already see how they are helping to fix the problem. They are blaming poverty, and crime, and homosexuals and the uneducated.
They are blaming us, The citizens who put them into office. And we can remove them from office at anytime, by filing petitions and sending them to congress.
So this year for Thanksgiving day.....What will you be thankful for?
Thoughts on Adrenaline
13 years ago