So I work as an english teacher in China. And so far my regular schedual is:
a class at 2 pm to 3:30 pm.
Break for dinner.
6pm to 7:30pm,
and a break at 7:15 pm,
and my last class is from 7:30 to 9 pm Adult class. Wednesday thru Friday.
On Saturday I have a
10:30 am kids class till 12 noon.
and a 3:30 to 5 pm juniors class.
Well my summer classes are:
10:30 am to 12 noon, kids class.
lunch break.
A 2 pm to 3:30 pm class, mixed; Juniors and Adults.
Break for dinner.
And a 6 pm to 7:15 pm class, a 15 minute break and then another Adult class till 9 pm.
Well starting in September I will also be working in a kindergarten school, I will be working from
10 am till noon (kindergarten),
break for lunch.
2 pm till 4 pm (Kindergarten).
Break for dinner and then go back to my office where I have my regular Adult classes from
6 pm till 9 pm, with a 15 minute break.
I just emailed the US Embassy to ask about overseas voting, and taxes.
My monthly expenditures are:
Rent: $1,700
Electricity: $500
Gas: $250
Hair: $150
Leaving me with $400 for food.
Now add 5 kids to the mix and a husband with no job; and kids old enough to go, but not going to school because we can't afford it. Now you know why I need to work a second job.
Unfortunately, the other teacher now has to fulfill my duties while I am not working at EET.
It sucks, but with the extra $225 USD, We can buy clothes and coats and blankets for the comming winter.
It wont snow where we are, but it gets downright cold. The pipes can freeze and we have to boil water and pour it into a bucket or a plugged sink for baths. Gas comes in small tanks, and need to be replaced every two weeks for us. In the winter, the gas is heated as it travels to the bathroom in frozen pipes. So by the time it hits you, it is cold. They don't have heaters here at least not in the homes, you have to buy space heaters, but they suck the money out of your pocket in electric bills.
So my updates are slow as you can see from the dates on my posts, excuse the absences. I will make up for it when I get a few days off work.
Thoughts on Adrenaline
13 years ago